Nature Transmissions

Totality! and the Total Solar Eclipse mythic imaginal nature intuition nature rituals Apr 16, 2024

“Totality!” the extraordinarily excited young man yelled in the park near the airport by the lake in Dallas on April 8th, 2024, somewhere we chose randomly because it was open, green,...

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Rituals for Spring Equinox nature rituals seasons Mar 19, 2024

Today on my hike around the mountain, I felt so safe and so relaxed, even with the sun already down and the evening light dimming. The birds were swirling and singing with excitement and yellow...

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Fire Rituals for Winter Solstice mythic imaginal nature rituals seasons Dec 14, 2023

Fire symbolizes humanity’s separation from the wilderness and from the divine.

As far as we know, primordial humans lived in darkness until they discovered how to harness fire only a million...

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Are you on Team Symbioscene? environmentalism nature rituals Dec 06, 2023

This Winter Solstice is the one-year anniversary of All of Us Stardust.  

The name for this course and community hub comes from the Carl Sagan quote:  

“The nitrogen...
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How to Connect with Your Ancestors nature intuition nature rituals seasons Oct 05, 2023

The sunflowers have dropped their heavy heads and gone to seed. Soon the frost will arrive with a frigid predawn kiss and the chill will wilt vegetables to black. The berries will freeze on their...

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10 Ways to Celebrate Autumn nature rituals seasons Sep 28, 2023

To Know the Dark

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and...

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Rituals for Seasonal Transitions nature rituals seasons Sep 17, 2023

I hate change. It may be my Taurean moon, but changes feel annoying to me, like totally inconvenient, like why can’t things continue as expected and not throw me off my game kind of...

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Connecting with Our Landcestors nature intuition nature rituals Sep 08, 2023

We’ve all heard of ancestors, those that came before us and are now with us in spirit, but have you heard of Landcestors?

In June, my family went camping at Chaco Canyon. This historic park...

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End Of Summer Bummer nature rituals seasons Sep 05, 2023

Even though I love autumn, I feel bummed out as summer ends. The days are still long and hot here in New Mexico, but school is back in session and the energy of preparing for winter has already...

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Rites of Passage in Modern Times nature rituals nature therapy Aug 31, 2023

Remember your Saturn Return around the age of 28 (or maybe you’re experiencing it now), scrambling to find your place in the world without any sure footing and wondering if you’ll ever...

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Channel More Creativity in Nature nature rituals nature writing Jul 06, 2023

I have always considered myself a creative person. I love creativity and being in a flow state with whatever creative task is at hand from collaging to cooking. But admittedly, sometimes creativity...

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Nature + Writing = Intuitive EcoWriting nature intuition nature rituals nature writing Jun 20, 2023

Are you a writer?
Do you want to be a writer?

Everyone has access to creative channels, and anyone interested in writing can be a writer.

I have been a writing instructor since I taught my first...

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