Nature Transmissions
Today on my hike around the mountain, I felt so safe and so relaxed, even with the sun already down and the evening light dimming. The birds were swirling and singing with excitement and yellow buds w...
Fire symbolizes humanity’s separation from the wilderness and from the divine.
As far as we know, primordial humans lived in darkness until they discovered how to harness fire only a million years ag...
Like the seasons, human nature moves in cycles. Sometimes you cycle through a time in your life when you don’t have the energy anymore to hold onto things you were able to carry before and letting go ...
Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. You may recall the Greek myth from 6th grade Social Studies class. One day while the innocent maiden is out picking narcissus in an ethereal field of wi...
The sunflowers have dropped their heavy heads and gone to seed. Soon the frost will arrive with a frigid predawn kiss and the chill will wilt vegetables to black. The berries will freeze on their stal...
To Know the Dark
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark...
I hate change. It may be my Taurean moon, but changes feel annoying to me, like totally inconvenient, like why can’t things continue as expected and not throw me off my game kind of annoying.Â
One ma...
Even though I love autumn, I feel bummed out as summer ends. The days are still long and hot here in New Mexico, but school is back in session and the energy of preparing for winter has already begun....
Summer Solstice is June 21st. It marks the start of astronomical summer and the longest day of the year. People have been celebrating the summer solstice for thousands of years and it is a holiday tha...

Valentine’s Day. Do you see it as a capitalist ploy to get us to buy more stuff? Do you prefer to make it a holiday in celebration of women, a la Eve Ensler’s V-Day movement? Perhaps you take the trad...
I used to think it was strange that the new year began in the middle of winter (or even in the summer for people in the southern hemisphere). I always wondered why it didn’t start in spring. Afterall,...
The first day of winter is upon us in the northern hemisphere, but truly if you live in a temperate climate then you know that winter started a few weeks ago. The first coat of glaring white snow, the...