Nature Transmissions

Are You Experiencing Climate Grief? environmentalism nature writing May 02, 2024

(A version of this letter also appears in Our Uncertain Future, a blog about living off grid.)

Imagine this, it is the year 2050 and you are lucky enough to still be alive. Feeling...

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Totality! and the Total Solar Eclipse mythic imaginal nature intuition nature rituals Apr 16, 2024

“Totality!” the extraordinarily excited young man yelled in the park near the airport by the lake in Dallas on April 8th, 2024, somewhere we chose randomly because it was open, green,...

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The Healing Art of ReWilding Your Words nature writing Mar 27, 2024

In 2020, the human world went quiet. Sheltered in place due to a pandemic, humans stopped traversing the globe, dining out, meeting in community, gathering in public, attending events, or going to...

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Rituals for Spring Equinox nature rituals seasons Mar 19, 2024

Today on my hike around the mountain, I felt so safe and so relaxed, even with the sun already down and the evening light dimming. The birds were swirling and singing with excitement and yellow...

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Nature Therapy for ADHD embodiment forest bathing nature therapy Feb 28, 2024

Recently, I was diagnosed with Adult Inattentive Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is a genetic neurodevelopment disorder that is diagnosed in 3% of adults. Discovering my...

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Grounded: What is grounding and why is it important? embodiment guided meditations nature intuition Jan 30, 2024

Have you ever described someone as grounded?

When someone is grounded, they are stable, balanced and seem to operate from a strong sense of inner peace. We may also call someone “down to...

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Nature Connections Equal Good Health forest bathing nature therapy Jan 09, 2024

At the start of each year, we tend to reevaluate our habits and good health usually pops up as the number one aspect of living that we need to focus on. Of course, it does! Without good health,...

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Fire Rituals for Winter Solstice mythic imaginal nature rituals seasons Dec 14, 2023

Fire symbolizes humanity’s separation from the wilderness and from the divine.

As far as we know, primordial humans lived in darkness until they discovered how to harness fire only a million...

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Are you on Team Symbioscene? environmentalism nature rituals Dec 06, 2023

This Winter Solstice is the one-year anniversary of All of Us Stardust.  

The name for this course and community hub comes from the Carl Sagan quote:  

“The nitrogen...
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Do You Need Money? capitalism critical environmentalism Nov 22, 2023

(This post originally appeared on Our Uncertain Future.)

I can’t stop thinking about that meme.

A gorilla is talking to a man. The man rudely says to the gorilla, “You are such a dumb...

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Become a Nature Writer Today nature writing Nov 16, 2023

You’ve been wanting to start that CliFi novel or memoir about soloing the PCT or astronomy blog or nature poetry compilation or essay about your grandmother’s farm for years now,...

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The Truth About Land Ownership environmentalism nature intuition Nov 07, 2023

Land ownership is a social construct. It is a societal agreement that only stands up if we all agree to it. And even then, we don’t have a claim to the land, only the right to use it. The...

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