Nature Transmissions

Nature Therapy for ADHD embodiment forest bathing nature therapy Feb 28, 2024

Recently, I was diagnosed with Adult Inattentive Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This is a genetic neurodevelopment disorder that is diagnosed in 3% of adults. Discovering my...

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Nature Connections Equal Good Health forest bathing nature therapy Jan 09, 2024

At the start of each year, we tend to reevaluate our habits and good health usually pops up as the number one aspect of living that we need to focus on. Of course, it does! Without good health,...

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Letting Go of Your Leaves nature therapy seasons Oct 25, 2023

Like the seasons, human nature moves in cycles. Sometimes you cycle through a time in your life when you don’t have the energy anymore to hold onto things you were able to carry before and...

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Rites of Passage in Modern Times nature rituals nature therapy Aug 31, 2023

Remember your Saturn Return around the age of 28 (or maybe you’re experiencing it now), scrambling to find your place in the world without any sure footing and wondering if you’ll ever...

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Meeting Your Edges for Nature Therapy nature therapy Jul 21, 2023

I have a secret to share.

I haven’t always been outdoorsy. For the first half of my life, I never did any hiking unless a group of us were headed to a watering hole on a hot day. My first two...

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How to Connect to Nature in Urban Environments nature therapy Jun 28, 2023

Just because I live off the grid in a remote desert community, does not mean that you need to in order to connect with the natural world. City life just isn’t my thing. Unless I’m...

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Bad Ass Tumbleweeds: Learning Vulnerability embodiment nature therapy plant medicine May 30, 2023

Once upon a time in my twenties, I was a bad ass bitch. I proclaimed it, I sang about it, I was resplendent with badassery. I was proud of my fierce independence. I needed no one. This was the 90s...

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Find Answers in the Forest forest bathing nature intuition nature rituals nature therapy May 12, 2023

My last solo medicine walk was in October. I am planning another one for next week to mark the Beltane spring season. (You can read about my first solo walk here.) I love to continue this beautiful...

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Calm Your Mind with the Power of Nature embodiment nature therapy Apr 30, 2023

More and more scientists concur that nature has miraculous healing affects for physical and mental health. But we don’t need scientific studies to prove to us how much better we feel when we...

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