Nature Transmissions

Totality! and the Total Solar Eclipse mythic imaginal nature intuition nature rituals Apr 16, 2024

“Totality!” the extraordinarily excited young man yelled in the park near the airport by the lake in Dallas on April 8th, 2024, somewhere we chose randomly because it was open, green, uncrowded and on...

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Fire Rituals for Winter Solstice mythic imaginal nature rituals seasons Dec 14, 2023

Fire symbolizes humanity’s separation from the wilderness and from the divine.

As far as we know, primordial humans lived in darkness until they discovered how to harness fire only a million years ag...

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You Are an Old Soul mythic imaginal nature intuition Oct 18, 2023

Have you ever been called an old soul? I bet you have. My mother always said I was an old soul and while I was visiting with her last week, she gave me a book to prove it. The Old Soul’s Guidebook by ...

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Lessons from Persephone mythic imaginal nature intuition seasons Oct 12, 2023

Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. You may recall the Greek myth from 6th grade Social Studies class. One day while the innocent maiden is out picking narcissus in an ethereal field of wi...

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How to Build Your Own Symbol Vocabulary mythic imaginal nature intuition Apr 13, 2023

Lately, I’ve been working with raccoon medicine.

It all started on vacation in Florida when I was taking a walk on Jensen Island and a limping racoon came out of the mangroves and was walking straigh...

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