Nature Transmissions

November is for Writers

nature writing Nov 01, 2023

Have you had an idea for a writing project knocking around in your head for a long while now and you feel like if you don’t get it onto the page you’re either going to forget about it or lose all your inspiration? Does it sadden you to think this creative genius idea will never see the light of day because you couldn’t find the motivation to plunk down and make it happen. Do you want the process of writing to feel light and fun, not like a chore? This is your month to make it happen!

Starting today, November 1st is National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. I love NaNoWriMo! Basically, the goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. You are held accountable by an international community of writers who are participating with you. I wrote a couple of novels in this way. Since I switched careers to becoming a Nature Therapy Guide, I don’t write novels anymore. However, I don’t know why I couldn’t use NaNoWriMo for a non-fiction project.

I’ve had a book idea composting in my head for a good year now. I don’t know if anything will come of it, but I must get it out of my head and into the world or I will explode. As a creator, I know that holding things in can cause me a lot of frustration. Even if I get it out and it stinks, at least I know and I don’t have to wonder, what could have been?

November is a time to devote yourself to finally starting (or finishing) that writing project, whether it is a memoir about your childhood horse, a series of blog posts about your ayahuasca journey, a utopian novel about a world where the climate crisis is solved, a poetry chapbook about your favorite tree or anything else your heart is calling to create.

You can also join me ONLINE TO WRITE!

I am hosting FREE NaNoWriMo write-ins for Society of the Muse of the Southwest, better known as SOMOS. This is a tradition I started a few years ago. Write-ins, which take place all over the world in November, are simply people getting together and writing. Sometimes a prompt is offered to get creative juices flowing. All the ones I am hosting for November are online via Zoom, which means any one of you can join me from anywhere in the world. (Two of them will be hybrid  in-person/online, in case you are in Taos.)


To give you even more encouragement to join me, for the month of November, I am offering Intuitive EcoWriting Online for 30%!

Intuitive EcoWriting Online is a five week course and gets into all the details of what makes quality Nature Writing. It includes journal prompts, audio meditations, and tips for delving deeper into the world of nature writing. One great thing about Intuitive EcoWriting Online is that it shows you how to defeat writer’s block and let your writing flow through you without feeling forced. Just as nature is a means of slowing down and quieting the mind, Intuitive EcoWriting shows you how to slow down, quiet the mind, and easily channel the creative muse. It also gives you tools for improving your writing, so it is beautiful and authentic to you.

So, consider this an invitation to join me in November to write. Maybe your goal is 5,000 words instead of 50,000 words or maybe your goal is to simply start a project you’ve been thinking about. As an incentive, I am offering Intuitive EcoWriting Online ON SALE for 30% OFF for the ENTIRE MONTH of NOVEMBER. Take the course and join me for the free online write-ins and let’s write together!




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